The definition of obesity is a physical state means gaining an ultra body fat. Obesity is basically due to the disorder of energy balance. Energy balance means that the amount of energy you get equals the amount you burn. So it is a simple equation, if the amount of energy IN equals the amount of energy OUT = your weight doesn't change, the amount IN smaller than the amount OUT = weight loss, the amount IN bigger than the amount OUT = weight gain (OBESITY).
There is about a hundred millions American peoples carry out weight loss plans every year, but unfortunately ninety five percent of this massive number regain fats and weight in the course of five years. More worse, the third of this number will get back more weight than they had lost, this is mainly because of continuous changing of their weight loss plan from time to time.
Getting start in a wrong way for your weight loss program such as going on fad weight loss diets or those "untrusted" drugs may take your hand for more weight gaining and burden your body with more illness.
Obesity can be described as the causes basket of too many other serious diseases such as heart diseases, hypertension, gall bladder disease, cancer, diabetes and osteoarthritis.
Obesity outcomes are terrible. In the U.S only, nearly about 375000 peoples, obesity contributes in their death every year. In addition, 19% of heart disease and 57% diabetes causes are due to obesity. There are billions of dollars spent yearly as health costs for obesity.
Be realistic:
Going on fast weight loss plans can cause you a lot of problems, weaken your health and stuff your body with more diseases.The great disappointment will face you when you realize that you start regain what you lost of your weight with those quick diet programs. In general, quick weight loss plans stress on sticking to one type of food, this means breaking the fundamental principle of good and balanced nutrition.
So you need to go on realistic goal for losing weight. The long run weight loss is always the best way for your health and body. Set a realistic goal such as losing 10% of your weight within six months, once you achieve it and want to lose more, go for anther one and so on.
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