But is there anything else that a dieter can do to increase their weight loss success?

1. Never skip meals. As I talk about often, skipping meals is terrible for your waistline and is not good for your health either. It can deprive your body of precious nutrients, increase your appetite to astronomical levels and can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. The study concluded that those who didn’t skip meals weighed an average of 8 pounds less than those who did.
2. Journaling. You should always be keeping a weight loss journal. Countless studies indicate that keeping a weight loss journal can help you lose more weight, since you are more focused on what you need to do each day to be successful and because of this, you are more likely to make positive changes that would benefit your weight loss success. In addition to this, you are more likely to hold yourself accountable to eating healthy, which can definitely benefit your weight loss results positively. This particular study also took a look at this factor. The study found that those who kept a food journal lost an average of about 6 pounds more than those who didn’t keep a food journal.

3. Don’t go out for lunch. With the extremely large portion sizes and the unhealthy foods that many restaurants have on their menus, going out to lunch is not recommended if you want to lose weight. This particular study indicated that those who chose to make lunch at home instead of go out for lunch lost an average of about 5 pounds more. Those extra calories can really add up.
Hopefully this article has given you some new insight on what can be done to shed additional pounds. Although the basic principles of eating less and working out more can definitely benefit you if your goal is weight loss, it’s not the only thing you should be focused on if you want to lose the most amount of weight possible. By following these 3 weight loss tips that are backed by science, you can maximize your weight loss.
Bio Section:-Me Drew and I am the author of this article.If you need more tips
on how to build muscle, lose fat, increase metabolism and get into killer shape be sure to check out my blog
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