1. Define your personal fitness goals
Always set realistic goals and keep them alive with the right mindset. Always set your goals to a high standard but it’s important to stay realistic as well. If you set your goals too high, you’ll be disappointed when you don’t achieve them. But if you set your goals too losw, you’ll become bored and will most likely give up as well. Always make sure you’re goal finds a happy medium.
A good trick is to set a long term goal and some short term goals along the way. If you can set these short term goals and actually achieve them, you’ll be much more motivated to go after the long term goal, whatever it may be.
2. Warm up
You should always be warming up every time before you start lifting weights. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing high reps or low reps; you must always warm up first by running on the treadmill and doing some basic stretching movements first.3. Eat healthy
I can’t stress this enough. If you’re a true bodybuilder who wants to see some killer results in the gym, then you’d be keeping a close eye on your nutrition.Many bodybuilders who are just starting out think that as long as they lift weights, they can eat whatever foods they want. This is simply false. If you eat a dozen doughnuts, you’ll simply store these doughnuts as fat. Conversely, if you eat a dozen chicken breasts, those chicken breasts will probably be used for muscle growth. Always make sure your diet has the right balance of protein, complex carbs and healthy fats to aid in muscle growth. Fruits and veggies are important too.
4. Mix-up your Workout
You should never keep the same workout routine for over a month. Always make sure you’re confusing your muscles, so they continually come back bigger and stronger. You should never allow your body to adapt to any routine you’re doing. There are simple and effective ways that you can change up your workouts on a routine basis, which include using different exercises, reps and sets.5. Take supplements
Although some supplements are completely ineffective and do more harm than good, there are some effective supplements out there that may aid helping you build muscle. A simple whey protein can help give you the protein your body needs throughout the day, while helping your muscles recover after their workouts. Whey protein is great because anytime you’re in a crunch for time, you can simply mix up a scoop of whey protein with water and drink it straight.
6. Drink plenty of water
Hydration is not only important for proper health, but if you’re trying to gain muscle it’s also incredibly important. Research shows that even if you’re only at a dehydration level of 3%, your strength can drop as much as 15%! If you didn’t know, stronger muscles equal bigger muscles, so not being properly hydrated for your workouts will mean that you won’t get bigger.7. Take a rest
Many bodybuilders think that working out every day is beneficial for muscle growth. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. If you workout too much, you’ll simply overtrain and your muscles will end up getting smaller and weaker, not bigger and stronger. Make sure you’re never spending more than an hour at the gym per session and don’t hit the weights more than 5 days per week.In addition to taking a rest from working out, you also need to make sure you’re sleeping enough as well. Not sleeping enough is another sure-fire way to overtrain, since muscle recovery takes place when you are sleeping. Always make sure you’re getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
Author Bio: My name is Drew and I have been lifting weights and building muscle for several years now and throughout this time period I’ve learned a vast wealth of information on how to build muscle, lose fat, increase metabolism and get into killer shape. I hope this article has given you a better insight on how to build lean muscle. Follow me on Google+
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