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Tips To Get A Flat Belly

Written By Dhiya on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 | 4:58 AM

 Replace Evil Crabs with the Healthy Ones for Flat Belly

The saying that sugar is your enemy is true to the core. Your combat against belly fat requires you to eliminate refined sugar from the diet. Whole grains could be a better source of carbohydrates. Protein bars can offer an alternative to bad habit snacks that increases sugar levels but yields no health benefits. A little bit of cinnamon or oatmeal in your diet can further stabilize blood sugar levels, and reduce the chances of any more fat accumulation. Moreover, it increases the duration for which food stays in the stomach so that your hunger remains satiated for longer durations.

Refined sugar/carbohydrate is your enemy

Carbohydrates have a role in losing belly fats but the refined form that is used in making most of our food items is detrimental to a weight loss plan. Cakes, donuts, biscuits, pasta and even are daily use white bread will lead to fat accumulation if the energy is not appropriately expended.
get a flat belly
If you have been working on cutting belly fat, then the intake of any refined form of sugar will fail your cause. Instead, you should incorporate good crabs from sources like fruits and vegetables. Other slow release carbohydrates such as oats, pulses and brown rice will provide energy when needed and prevent the conversion of glycogen (stored form of carbohydrates) to fats.
In place of white bread, use granary or unrefined flour to make biscuits, cakes, cookies and bread. It will not only aid digestion but also stabilize your blood glycemic index. Further, it takes longer to digest due to the presence of fiber, and you would feel satiated.

Keeps insulin levels under control

 As discussed earlier on, insulin charges fat storage and so it’s important to keep its levels down. The levels of insulin are kept under narrow limits in two conditions:
•    If you have a high metabolic rate, less insulin would be secreted to store available sugar.
•    If more glucose is available in blood more insulin would be released to store it.
Once we take good amount of readily available carbohydrates, they are metabolized to set free packets of energy in excess which is subsequently converted to fats by insulin.
Sugar can never be deemed to be allowable if you wish to lose weight because sugar is one of the substances whose calories are the first ones to be deposited as fats throughout the body.
unhealty foods increase the body weightOn the other hand you may find that sugar found in fruits also known as natural sugar will not cause much harm to your body and can be used safely. They have lesser effects if you are diabetic and will not increase your chances of getting diabetes.
Sugar found in sodas, beverages, cakes, desserts, ice cream, sweets, chocolates etc. are all very harmful and are a cause of the excessive body fats found in the teens these days. It might also be noted here that the more sugar you consume will also affect your immune system in a considerably huge way and you might be at risk of exposure to many diseases.

Another Unhealthy Food

Most weight gaining food items you can consume are heavily fried and passed through MSG and artificial flavors. They are a lot more harmful than other fried food since the flavors add toxins to your body. Also the oil used for frying the chips tends to add copious amount of fats to your body.

Author’s Bio
Katy Reeve is passionate fitness trainer concerned about the widespread use of fad diets. She is determined to promote healthy living through natural means. Follow her write-ups and learn about the right accessories from Fitness Republic.com.


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