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Do You Have To Exercise To Lose Weight?

Written By Dhiya on Monday, June 14, 2010 | 11:08 PM

walking a dogLately there are articles getting published on high-profile news websites asking the question, "Do You Have To Exercise To Lose Weight?"

And they answer they give is that you do not.

Technically speaking, from my experience, that's true.

Like I mentioned in my earlier post, "How Many Calories Do You Burn in a Day?" I said that if a 150 pound person spent almost their entire day sitting and sleeping, with no exercise, they will burn about 2,000 calories. And the heavier you are, the more calories you'll burn. A 200 pound person will burn about 2,900 calories.

So obviously if you consume fewer calories than that in a day, and stick to this every single day, you will lose weight guaranteed.

However, losing weight is the easy part. Keeping it off is the hard part.

To keep it off, you have to adopt a healthy lifestyle. You've heard this before.

A healthy lifestyle, of course, involves exercise. I don't need to explain why exercise is important.

All you need to do is walk.

You don't need to lift heavy weights, you don't need to join a gym, and you don't need to purchase expensive exercise equipment. Just some comfortable walking shoes is all you need.

Make it a regular habit to spend two hours walking around your neighborhood. Do this a minimum of twice a week. You have to make it a regular habit or else you will fail to create a healthy lifestyle.

If you take the belief that exercise is unnecessary towards losing weight, then that explains why you're overweight. You simply have the wrong attitude.

If you're serious about slimming down and staying slim, you know what you have to do.


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