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Things you need to know before starting your diet program

Written By Dhiya on Monday, September 2, 2013 | 5:10 AM

Before you start at your diet and weight loss way, there are some important things you should take into consideration, let's go!

1- Prepare yourself emotionally first:
You need to be emotionally ready before you get involved in your dieting program,This is very important point to put in mind because you may not continue in your weight-management program if you are not highly motivated enough to begin.

2- Go for logical diet programs:
Be careful about illogical dieting plans that claim you will get rid of those massive pounds of fat overnight. To lose weight you need to increase your metabolism, doing exercises, and your calorie intake must be reduced, all in a balanced and healthy way.

3- Make your goals realistic:
Your fat pounds are not going to melt while you are sleeping, so put a reasonable goal to achieve such as losing 10% of your weight in six months and maintain this goal, if you achieve it and try to lose more fats you can set another "realistic goal" and go for it.

4- Extreme & too low-protein diets, Beware of them:
Your body could lose calcium through the urine if you get high intensive protein intake and you will face many problems in the long run related to bones. You will be at risk of osteoporosis problems in addition to many other serious illnesses such as heart diseases and cancer. On the contrary, going on too low protein diets will push your body to utilize protein from its organs and muscle, which means that your body is destroying itself.

5- Avoid changing your diet plan in a short period of time:
Making too many changes to your plan or even going on many plans in a short time will take your hand to failure, so stick to your program and don't make drastic changes at once.

6- Beware of fasting:
Fasting could be very effective method for losing weight especially when combined with herbal programs, but this may face some problems, because fasting not only will cause you lose weight but also lose lean muscle tissue and this in turn will cause you problems.

Those were some tips you should know and take care about before you start your way to lose weight.


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