This is one thing that you need to take in almost from the beginning…wait, didn’t I already say that for something else? Yes, I did, and you can be assured that I will be saying it again later on in the book as well for something else.
This is because there are some things that you need to look at before jumping head first into the world of weight loss.
On the subject at hand, let’s take a look at how difficult or easy it is to try and lose weight when you have the demands of small baby to contend with.
I can just hear the choruses of “Difficult!” or “Are you out of your mind!” or even “Who has the time to sit down and think about these things!” going through your mind right about now.
And that’s perfectly fine, I won’t even get offended by the “Are you out of your mind!” bit! But really speaking, I have to say that each and every one of your thoughts right now on the subject are probably to some extent true, both the good thoughts and the negative ones.
The negative ones for instance have their root in your past experience with trying to get anything done, on time, and in a sane manner.
If you’ve also only just had your baby, you might feel that it is beyond you at the moment to even think about losing weight.
That’s also fine; you picked up this book so that means that you have some interest in it, and by reading it, you will find that when the time comes when you want to lose weight, you will be ready for it.
For those of you who want to lose weight, are ready for it, but have too much on your plate right now, I urge you to read the book further, I have included as best as I can, a number of things that you can do without having to resort to a special weight loss regime.
This won’t make you lose weight at a fast or regular rate, but you will lose some weight, and best of all, you will also find that just by doing a few of these things at least, you will begin to feel better about yourself.
The main thing to remember here though, is that no matter what your ultimate outcome is, whether you decide to go on a weight loss course of action or not, your baby won’t really understand either way.
Her needs will always come first, and in this you will find that your own needs will have to take a backseat.
Sometimes it just won’t be possible for you to eat regular meals, at regular times. It will also be impossible for you to get any amount of proper sleep.
You will find that sometimes you are so swamped with looking after your baby, that you have no time or energy left over for yourself. This is a very normal occurrence, especially if you have no one else with whom you can share the responsibilities of looking after her.
Whatever the case though, you will find that no matter how good your intentions are, that you will fail. This is
alright, just don’t become discouraged.
You can’t control every aspect of your life no matter how hard you try, and this becomes especially true when you throw a small bundle of joy into the mix.
Something else that you will also want to look at is how much time and effort you can put in to your weight loss regime. I went through this in the earlier section as well so I won’t go into it here again.
Just as long as you know exactly what you’re up against, and the ways that you can get around it, you should be on your way to losing those post pregnancy pounds and inches.
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