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The Weight Loss Breeze Program - The Water Therapy

Written By Dhiya on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 | 9:30 PM

The Water Therapy

Water therapy

This is the only dietary related suggestions I'll make in this program and the only purpose of itis to cleans the body so it's easier to burn your body-fat faster using the oxygen exercises.

Other than this you can eat whatever you want whenever you want.But PLEASE don't ignore this simple approach. I've had clients ONLY do this one part of the program and nothing else and lose ton of weight and shape up in very quick period of time. You will too.


1. As soon as you wake up in the morning – before you have breakfast or even brush your teeth – drink around 1.5 liters or pure water (similar to 5-6 glasses).

2. It's important that you do not drink or eat anything for one hour BEFORE and AFTER you drink this 1.5 liters of water. I also recommend NOT to drink any alcohol the night before or at any time while you're working this therapy.

This is all there is to it. Simple, right?

You can use bottle watter or filtered or boiled water if you like. If you find it hard to drink 1.5 liters at one time, start slowly with one liter and add a little every day. This will soon become a nice habit.For best results, repeat this process in the evening.

1. One hour before going to sleep, drink 1.5 liters of pure water

2. Make sure you don't eat or drink ANYTHING one hour before drinking the water and nothing from the time you drink it till you wake up in the morning and repeat the process.

Doing the water therapy both in the morning and evening makes the cleansing process many times more effective and you'll literally see the pounds fall off.

I recommend practicing the water therapy once or twice a day for at least a week. If you're really motivated, repeat it till you've gained your desire weight (which won't be long).


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