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Lymphatic Breast Massage

Written By Dhiya on Friday, July 26, 2013 | 4:23 PM

By Lara Ega    

A woman's breast is more known to be an organ which provides milk. This is what most of our teachers would tell us since we were children. But, there is more to it that we may have known so far. Women need to take care of their breasts better by using different breast massage techniques. Why? There are other structures that lie beneath the adipose tissues and the a little bit of muscle.

One of the structures that we should pay particular attention to is the lymphatic vessels which are in or lie in close proximity to the breast. It is more common in the latter. This is where fluids and certain bacteria are being filtered in order to prevent spread of infection.

The lymphatic vessels contain lymphatic fluid which is the one responsible for bringing the bacteria to the lymph nodes where it may stagnate. This is where a lymphatic breast massage enters into the fray. This will help the vessels to effectively drain the fluid surrounding the area. In part, this will move the bacteria away from the breast and let it flow continuously until it goes out of the body as waste.

A lymphatic breast massage is also a good way to prevent the development of cancer. It is known that bacteria or other waste in the body may contain free radicals. Free radicals are one of the contributing factors in the development of cancer. If not eliminated efficiently from the body, it may lead to the degradation of the body's tissues. The damaged tissues may form into cancer cells because of the cells which were damaged in the process. So, draining this with the use of a massage eases the process of its elimination. It also prevents it from stagnation.
It is, in a way, a good way for health promotion. Doing a lymphatic breast massage could be a good way to determine whether lumps are formed in the breast. Again, this is a possible indication of breast cancer. In this manner, the breast massage becomes, in a way, a form self breast examination. It is vital to detect these kinds of changes before it worse. The earlier it is detected the better the chances are for recovery.

You may ask how it is properly performed. It is quite easy really; you do not need a therapist to do it. Breast massage is a pretty simple technique that you can do it yourself. Just points to remember. First, do it on each breast one at a time and while doing so, you should raise the arm of the breast you are performing on. In addition, when performing the massage, use either your palms or your fingertips. These are the areas which have the most sensitive nerve endings.

The second question that may cross your mind is when is the best time to perform the massage? Experts recommend that the most ideal time to perform the routine is after taking a bath. However, breast massage can be performed any time of the day. Remember you're the only one that can take care of yourself, so spend some time and make sure your body stays healthy and fit.

Read more about breast massage and other Breast Massage techniques at breast massage
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lara_Ega


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