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How Long Into Pregnancy Can I Exercise?

Written By Dhiya on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 | 3:07 PM

By Gareth K Forde    
How Long Into Pregnancy Can I Exercise?

Pregnancy causes many changes in a woman's body, and things like diet and exercise have new consequences for how well her body reacts and the health of her pregnancy in general. For most women, exercise during pregnancy helps to improve their moods and actually gives them more energy in the long run. If you're expecting a baby you might be concerned about exercising during pregnancy and how long you can continue to exercise throughout those nine months.

Tips for Healthy Exercise During Pregnancy

If you are considering becoming pregnant, now is a great time to start a workout routine if you don't already have one. There will be many physical demands placed on your body during pregnancy, requiring strength, flexibility, and endurance.

If you're already pregnant, talk with your healthcare provider about the best exercise plans for you. In general, healthy women can continue to exercise throughout their pregnancies, although there might need to be a modifications made in order to accommodate changes normal during each trimester.

Listen to your body. You might need to adjust the pace of your exercises, especially as your body grows. Remember the general safety guideline that you should be able to hold a conversation during your fitness routine while pregnant without becoming extremely winded. Also be on the lookout for these symptoms that might mean your body is telling you that it has had too much.

• Vaginal bleeding or spotting
• Unusual pain anywhere in the body (ligaments are more easily strained during pregnancy)
• Headache
• Chest pain or heart palpitations
• Cramping
• Increase in Braxton Hicks contractions (or the real thing!)

Start small. If you weren't active before pregnancy, don't rush into it by placing high demands on your body. Start with gentle exercises for 20 minutes or so, such as walking or swimming. Gradually build up as your body and energy allow. As your pregnancy near the end you might need to again scale back on the demands of certain exercises.

Make sure to stretch and cool down. You'll be able to continue exercising longer during pregnancy if you take small steps to protect your body from injury. Warm up with gentle stretches and make sure that you end exercise sessions with a similar routine.

Keep hydrated. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids to compensate for those lost during exercise, as well as through the demands of pregnancy. Avoid exercising during times of extreme heat as this can place undo strain on your body and baby.

As long as you are feeling healthy and your doctor approves, it is entirely possible for you to continue exercising right up until you are ready to deliver. In fact, regular exercise can be helpful to prepare your body for the demands of labor and delivery. Make your pregnancy exercise routines easier, safer, and more comfortable by investing in quality shoes, well-fitting sports bras to support your growing breasts, and comfortable clothes for exercising. Add a water bottle and maybe some music into the mix and you're ready to keep fit and active throughout the nine months.

Visit http://www.babyQ.com to learn more about how to improve your pregnancy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gareth_K_Forde


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