Every year millions and millions of us will go on a diet. Some of us will reach our ideal weight and some won't. For those of us that do, the unfortunate fact is that we are very often left with unsightly bulges or just generally left with a body shape that we are less than happy with.
Until recently, the only answer to this was costly and sometimes risky surgery in the form of liposuction. In the last few years however, a plethora of non surgical approaches to the problem of unwanted body fat have emerged. Among these is cryogenic lipolysis or cryolipolysis as it has become known.
Unlike many other spot fat reduction treatments, cryolipolysis works by inducing fat cell death using extreme cold. Like any other type of tissue, fat cells are damaged by extreme cold. The treatment makes use of the fact that fat cells are damaged at temperatures which will not harm surrounding tissues such as skin and nerves.
Cold temperature of around -5 to -7 degrees centigrade is applied to the treatment area for around 45 minutes. The area will usually go quite red and also hard as the fat solidifies within the cells. It is this "crystallization" process which signals the fat cells to self destruct.
The fat cells effectively die off over the course of two to six months post treatment. The fat cells are broken down by the body, the fat is slowly used up as energy and the cell breakdown products are disposed of by the body as metabolic waste.
Results develop slowly and are not dependent on diet and exercise, however it should be noted that weight should either be stable or reducing at time of treatment. If weight is being gained then there is every chance that new fat cells are being made in the treatment area as fast as the old ones are being broken down. The result will be that the treatment is not as effective, if it is effective at all.
Whilst a formal diet is not a requirement for the treatment to work, it is advisable during the months that follow the treatment, that sugary and refined foods such as bread and cakes etc are moderated or preferably eliminated. These types of carbohydrates excessively stimulate the insulin response leading to fat storage by the body which can be counter productive. The more you can support your body post treatment, the better result you will get and cutting down on sugary foods is a small price to pay for your looks and your health!
Cryolipolysis is one of a number of non surgical treatments that we undertake at The Evolutions Clinic in Winchester in the UK. Cryolipolysis is an effecting body contouring treatments and is used by pur practitioners to get rid of diet and exercise resistant fatty deposits, typically around the stomach, flanks and backs of the arms. http://www.evolutionsclinic.co.uk/index/cryo-lipo/
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