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Best Workouts for Fat Loss - No Gym, No Instructor, Simple

Written By Dhiya on Friday, June 7, 2013 | 7:25 PM

When your daily calorie intake exceeds that of calories burnt, the excess ones get accumulated in your body and are stored in the form of fat. It is such excess body fat that eventually leads to weight gain. Increasing your physical activity through following an exercise routine is the only surest way of getting rid of this excess fat. Simply put, doing the best workouts for fat loss every day is the ultimate way of maximizing physical fitness. These exercises always raise the body's metabolic rate, and as a result speed up calorie burning process. Some of the workouts which can help reduce your body fat and keep your overall health in good shape are as explained below.
It is often considered as one of the best workouts for fat loss. If included in daily workout routine, running can be quite beneficial in helping burn your calories faster. Running will have a more profound effect on your body's fat burning process because it increases the metabolic rate tremendously. For instance, running for about 45 minutes helps your get rid of approximately 800 calories. As a matter of fact, if you do this exercise on a daily basis for about one year, your body will lose some 90 pounds or 40 Kg of fat. So, instead of opting for fat burning pills, why don't you just resort to a 45 minute session of this natural fat burning routine? Just give it a try, and in no time you will realize why it is billed as the best exercise to burn body fat.
Weight Training
Weight lifting is yet another physical activity that you can adopt to help you burn those excess calories faster, plus it is such a great muscle-building activity. Most weight loss experts recommend weight training as an excellent fat loss strategy. A good example of an effective weight training routine is squats with dumbbells. Bear in mind that the more you practice weight training, the more you eliminate body fat fast. You can always start by lifting light dumbbells weighing three pounds, and then as time goes by and as you gain muscle strength, you can increase the weight gradually to achieve burning of more calories.
Well, if you are looking for the best exercise to help you lose thigh fat and reduce fat in your lower body as well then cycling is your best bet. Cycling will come in very handy in toning up your lower body and getting you an awesome pair of slim legs. In fact, incorporating cycling in your daily exercise routine can equally be instrumental in reducing your belly fat. Whether you prefer riding a stationary bike or you opt for a ride outdoors doesn't really matter. If you cycle daily for about 30 minutes, you will be able to burn a lot of fat from your thighs.
Another great way to lose body fat is to swim on a regular basis. The most effective swimming stroke for burning more calories fast is breast stroke. Including this exercise in your weight loss program can thus be very vital in helping you build muscles.
These are some of the best workouts for fat loss. If you are to have a healthy weight, it is very important that you follow these exercise routines and ensure that you eat a balanced diet.


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