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About the ANDI Scale and Nutritarian Diet

Written By Dhiya on Friday, May 17, 2013 | 11:34 AM

The medical research behind "going vegan or vegetarian" is quite compelling, yet there are some drawbacks (i.e. deficiencies in B12, Vitamin D etc... ). Let me preface this by saying, I modified my eating habits in May 2012 because I was convinced of the health benefits of doing so. Listen, if the largest, fastest, strongest and most ferocious mammals on the planet (i.e. Elephant,
Hippopotamus, Silverback Gorilla etc.) can live on plants, roots, nuts, seeds, berries and other fruits, yet still maintain their stature, I feel the human body can garner the same results.
I feel the optimal eating lifestyle is a "hybrid" of vegan/vegetarian/omnivore. It is a lifestyle with limited amounts of wild caught seafood and eggs. Dr. Joel Fuhrman has coined this as being a "Nutritarian". The definition of Nutritarian is one that eats a diet consisting of foods full of micro-nutrient (vitamins, minerals and phyto-chemicals) rich foods, such as Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds & Beans. With the USDA estimating that less than 5% of the US population being fully nourished, the paradigm must shift from dairy, meats and processed foods to those that are fresh and micro-nutrients dense. With the Nutritarian diet, foods are ranked according to their ANDI (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index) score. This ANDI score was developed by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and uses the calculation (H=N/C) Health = Nutrients/Calories. In essence, the more nutrients per calorie a given item has, the better/heathier the food. Foods are ranked on a scale from 1 (Soda)-lowest score to 1000 (Collard Green, Kale and Watercress)-highest score. One of the largest health food stores in the US, Whole Foods uses this ANDI scale in their stores to assist customers in choosing the healthiest of foods.
The reason the US has become a population of obese individuals is due to the fact that most live on a diet heavy in meats (Chicken Breast is 27 on the ANDI), dairy (Skim Milk is 36 on the ANDI) and processed foods (French fries are 7 on the ANDI scale). The problem with this is when the body is not getting the nutrients and micro-nutrients it needs; it is constantly craving those nutrients, causing individuals to eat more. So, people go back to the meats, dairy and processed foods and just add more calories, without the nutrients. This becomes a vicious cycle ultimately ending in weight gain and susceptibility to the lifestyle diseases such as Type II Diabetes and Cardio Vascular disease not to mention Cancer, Alzheimer's, Stroke and many others. Education is the key and if we can find a way to overcome the Monsanto's and Dairy/Livestock lobbyists of the world, we could become a healthier nation. Weight loss is an inevitable fact when one eats a diet rich of nutrients and micro-nutrients due to the fact they end up consuming fewer calories. Very few are educated that in a 100 calorie serving of Broccoli, there is almost twice the amount of protein as there is in a 100 calorie serving of Porterhouse steak. Not to mention the Broccoli has 10 grams of fiber and less than ½ a gram of fat compared to the Porterhouse steak with zero grams of fiber and 7.7 grams of fat.
For more helpful health, fitness and nutrition information, please visit my Facebook fanpagefacebook.com/trowfit or my blog at http://www.trowfit.com/blog.html


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