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6 Candida Diet Tips

Written By Dhiya on Sunday, May 19, 2013 | 12:28 PM

Dieting is not an easy thing to do. It requires patience and discipline, but diet is not only for losing weight. It can also be an excellent strategy in treating candida yeast infection. Getting into a diet program does not mean you have to starve yourself. Restricting the foods you eat or starving yourself will only slow down your metabolic process which could result in weight gain. You are in a diet to nourish
yourself. Eating the right food, adequate exercise, and rest is the right thing to do.
You may have read a lot of versions of candida diet. Some candida diet program would allow you to eat foods that are high in carbohydrates, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Others may restrict you from eating foods high in carbohydrates or just eating selected fruits and what not.

You should keep in mind that you are on this diet not to lose weight, but to boost your immune system which in the process will end or prevent candida yeast infection from happening. Of course, eating the right food and the right amount of it will always have a positive effect on a person's body. Loosing weight and having a good skin will be inevitable if you follow a good candida diet program.

The purpose of having this type of diet is not to starve yourself, but to starve candida itself. Candida yeast feeds on sugar. So, the first thing to do is to remove food that will stimulate excessive sugar production from your body.
This diet will have a life-changing effect, but may need a lot of patience and discipline to reap positive results. Candida yeast infection often occurs when a person's immune system is weak. This diet program strengthens your immune system to get rid or prevent yeast infection from happening.

Tip 1 - Removing high glycemic foods out of your meal.

The diet program will go on for two weeks to a month. This stage is very difficult. This is where you remove the food you love to eat. Our body constantly needs sugar, so it is very hard to stop your body from craving foods such as cakes, soft drinks, and other sweets. Eating foods high in carbohydrates are restricted.

At this time, you should eat vegetables. Our body needs good nutrition, vegetables contains dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals that is beneficial for health. Our body also needs protein, but you are only allowed to consume protein coming from good source such as nuts, beans, chicken and fish. You should also eat food rich in fatty acids such omega 3 and omega 6 or just take a supplement for convenience.

Tip 2 - Consuming foods that are low glycemic coming from a natural sources.

Keep in mind, you are not on this diet to starve yourself. At this stage, we may have removed sugar from your diet, but you should once in a while eat fruits such as apples, cherries, and bananas which are low glycemic. You may also consider eating unsweetened yogurt which is very beneficial for its probiotic content. Consuming red meat is optional, but is not fully restricted.

Consuming these foods in moderation will not have any adverse reaction. If you experience any adverse physical reaction from this foods, I would highly recommend that you stop consuming it immediately.

Tip 3 - Monitor your progress.

Keeping a record of foods that you have consumed is a great thing to do. Since every person is unique, the reaction may vary from one another. Taking note of what food groups you have success with and foods you have adverse reaction is very vital at this stage. Breaking down your diet into different meals in a day and taking food supplements with it is a great thing to do. Keeping track of what you consumed during a particular day and time of the day is really important.

Tip 4 - Introducing back regular food in your daily diet.

After cleansing your system for a couple of weeks, it is now time to slowly introduce regular food in your daily diet. Start by introducing low carbohydrate foods in your diet such as whole-grains, legumes, and some diary products. Make sure that you serve this only once a day. Don't forget to take note of any reactions from these food types. Take note of the foods that aggravate your yeast infection and immediately stop consuming any of the food. It is quite normal that your body might react to this food, since your body has undergone cleansing.

Tip 5 - Controlling your hunger.

Dieting requires discipline and perseverance and sticking to it is the hardest part. Our body is constantly craving for something, may it be food or other stuff. Food cravings is one of the hardest thing to beat. There are other factors that may add to this cravings. First, physiological factors such as lack of nutrients, blood sugar levels, and low levels of serotonin to name a few. Secondly, psychological factors such as looking at a picture of a certain food, thinking of your favorite food, and thinking that you are hungry even though you're not. Third, emotional factors such as stress, loneliness, and emptiness. There are other factors not mentioned, but these three affects us the most.

The principle of "mind over matter" really applies to this. Try to divert your attention to other stuff. Keep yourself busy, boredom usually triggers food cravings. Try to get involve with fitness like exercise. It will not only benefit you physically, but emotionally as well. When doing exercise, the body releases endorphin considered as happy hormone. Moderate exercise relieves stress and makes your body energetic. Exercise also boost the immune system which you will need to fight yeast infection. Lastly, it really depends on how much you really love yourself. Just thinking about the agony of symptoms associated with yeast infection is enough to lose your appetite.

Tip 6 - There is no magic bullet to cure yeast infection.

There is no such thing as an overnight cure for yeast infection. Doing candida diet and reaping good results does take time and effort. If you have been diligent and hardworking, after the program, you will definitely see amazing results.

This diet program will only work if you put it into action. The reason why a lot of people fail is because they cheat along the way or they procrastinate. If this diet is difficult, just imagine yourself waking up everyday with debilitating symptoms of yeast infection.

There are other ways to treat candida yeast infection, but treating it using only one approach like using anti-fungal medication is not that effective. There is a dark cloud that looms over the use of anti-fungal medications. We have heard a lot of horrible stories associated with it and they are actually true. Candida yeast builds resistance to most anti-fungal medications. A holistic approach will effectively combat yeast infection and one of the best approach is doing candida diet.

More about candida diet and other tips and tricks in treating yeast infection, please visit www.yeastcandidatreatment.com your one-stop yeast infection web resource.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cj_Baynosa


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