You’re going to be excited to uncover the sensational (but completely healthy) tips I just picked up from nutritionist and busy mom, Isabel De Los Rios.
The thing that might surprise you is if you’ve ever tried a diet or exercise program, and it just didn’t fit your body… it wasn’t your fault!
Here’s the problem with diets today:
First off, they’re made like we’re all the same… One-size-fits-all just doesn’t work. We’ve got different bodies!
(If you want to see what your body type is you can get a risk-free trial to see your result at the link below)
>>>Click here to take Isabel’s Body Type Test
But the bigger thing is, diets require way too much willpower.
At first it seems like you’ll just do it for a little while. It’ll be worth a little bit of pain if you can finally fit in those jeans you haven’t worn in years, be happy with the way your clothes fit or just have more energy!
But here’s the problem:
After that “I’m really going to do it this time” feeling wears off, you’ve got to force yourself to get up and go to the gym. Time to start sweating on a treadmill (ugh!).
Then you get home to all your lovely food… which you can’t eat without feeling guilty.
Maybe you make it a week or two, but then (if you’re a sane, normal woman) you realize that this diet is running your life!
You go on a binge (which means eating your normal diet for a meal or two), but even while you’re eating foods you like feel guilty – like you failed again and maybe you’re just not meant to lose weight.
Don’t believe that!
The problem is those diets aren’t real. If you had a personal trainer to come to your house, a personal chef to make delicious and healthy meals, and a nanny to watch the kids while you put life on hold to get in shape for your next movie, things would be a lot easier.
But that’s just not how things work for most of us.
You need to know how real women can drop a dress size – anywhere from 3 to 10 pounds – in just one week. Yep, 7 days.
We’re talking busy moms who have a million and one things to do, and other people to take care of, but still want to slim down and lose that stubborn belly fat.
The trick here is to work smarter – not harder.
Like I learned from Isabel, everyone has a different body type. Just think about it – we all like different foods, have different shapes and are totally different people.
And after working with more than 300,000 women, Isabel has narrowed down the 3 main body types – along with the exact foods each one should eat.
A protein, mixed and carb type.
(If you want to see what your body type is you can get a risk-free trial to see your result at the link below) >>>Click here to discover your body type (and which foods you should avoid)
But more important than just telling you what your body type is, she’ll tell you exactly which foods to eat and how much.
You should know, the biggest problem most women run into with Isabel’s method is… they feel like they’re eating too much food!
And until they see the pounds peeling off, it’s just hard to believe you can eat a lot, never be hungry and still lose weight.
A huge part of Isabel’s diet is eating as many superfoods as you can handle.
We’re talking foods that are chock-full of nutrients, extremely tasty and ready for you to pick up at your local grocery.
The catch is, you’ve got to eat the right ratio of foods for your body type. Here’s why:
If you’re a carb type foods you should feast on will make a protein type or mixed type feel sluggish and tired.
And to flip it around: if you’re a protein type and don’t eat the right foods not only will you feel hungry after every meal… you’ll pack on the pounds even though you’re trying to do the right thing.
(Maybe you’ve had a diet experience like that before – you eat only health food and actually gain weight – not fun!)
See, the way Isabel explains it, burning the fat off your body isn’t just about the pair of jeans you can wear, looking good or showing off a nice figure – it’s about feeling better and being more comfortable in your own skin.
You don’t need tons of willpower, expensive diet foods or even a gym membership. You just need to take a quick quiz, pick out your favorite foods and make some changes in the way you eat.
>>>Click here to see how much weight you can lose by Friday
See, burning anywhere from 3 to 10 pounds off your body doesn’t have to be a long process. If you’re ready to feel better about how you look, have more energy and get a boost in confidence take a look at Isabel’s simple fat burning process: The Diet Program Solution
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