Or if you’ve been sucked in by a yo-yo diet plan just to have the pounds pile up later…
You need to know that there may have been 4 sneaky foods sabotaging you.
Women everywhere have been trying their hardest to stick to a diet, get to the gym and still juggle the million-and-one other things they’ve got going on at home…
The problem is, until you kick these foods to the curb, you might lose a few pounds here or there, but it’ll be practically impossible to keep them off.
See, there are so many women – and you might be one of them – who thinks it’s her fault she’s not losing weight.
And that couldn’t be more wrong.
>>Click here to see the 4 foods really making women fat
It’s so easy to think that you’ve just got bad genetics, or your schedule is just too busy for you to spend the time on yourself, or the worst one – you think that you don’t have the willpower to stick to a program.
The problem is, each fad diet has a few “success stories”.
You see women who have lost the weight and seem to look and feel great.
And when you’re fed up with the way that pinch of bulging belly fat is making you feel, it seems like pretty much anything is worth getting rid of it.
But honestly, chaining yourself to a hardcore diet, throwing away all your favorite foods and dragging yourself into the gym for an early-morning sweat session isn’t how things have to be.
Losing weight doesn’t have to be painful or radical.
Even if you need to get skinny in time for a big event and you’re in panic mode, it turns out things aren’t as desperate as you think.
When I first heard busy mom and nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios had a way to lose a dress size in a week, I’ve got to say I was a little bit skeptical…
But once I saw her info on the 4 foods that are almost single-handedly keeping women fat, things made a lot more sense:
>>Click here to see the 4 foods women should never eat
Isabel is a certified nutritionist and professional fitness trainer, but when she first told me the trick to dropping a dress size by Friday… I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
It makes sense when you think about it.
Not all calories are created equal. And the reason you don’t have the figure you want is because all your calories are getting used up eating foods that do almost nothing for you, and really are clogging up your body’s digestive system.
The problem with that is certain foods can actually make you hold on to fat – even while you’re doing the perfect exercises that are supposed to get you thinner and feeling better!
But the good news is, eating less is not the answer. In fact, unless you want to trick your body into thinking it’s starving (which will also make you gain weight) you should eat, well, a lot!
That means there’s no calorie counting, no special diet foods and no checklists to keep track of each and everything you eat.
The trick to getting a slimmer figure as fast as possible is to load up with lots of foods that are slam-packed full of nutrients – they’re almost like superfoods and are the exact opposite of the 4 foods that will keep the weight on.
>>Click here to see the 4 foods you should avoid at all cost
When you eat foods that are high in nutrients you’ve got another big benefit: your hunger will practically disappear!
Most women think getting a flat stomach means you’ve got to be hungry all the time. In a lot of people’s minds the goal is to starve yourself during the week… Survive until your cheat days, enjoy some real food for a few hours and then get back to your tough regiment.
That’s not the way things have to be. If you eat the right foods you can completely skip exercise and still go down a dress size in a week.
It makes sense when you hear Isabel’s way of explaining it: eating junk food doesn’t give your body anything it really needs. In fact, it could even dump in a few chemicals which are downright terrible for you.
And then your digestive system has to work overtime to filter out the junk inside processed foods.
That means, you can eat a ton of food that’s bad for you… and still feel hungry!
There was a great example of this on the Dr. Oz Show a little while ago. They showed a 1,000 calories of potato chips. Sounds like a lot but it barely hit the halfway mark on the bowl.
And then they flashed to 1,000 calories of veggies.
To be honest, it looked like more food than I eat all day. It was chock-full of delicious fruits and veggies – and not just lettuce to make it look large.
But that little bowl of potatoes chips? I could’ve polished it off in one sitting easy.
The biggest thing that hit me from the Dr. Oz Show was how they said “the more you eat the more you burn”.
Which is exactly Isabel’s philosophy. In fact, one of the most common complaints from women who have used Isabel’s program is that they can’t eat all the food!
If you’re ready to jumpstart your journey by losing a dress size or anywhere from 3 to 10 pounds in the next 7 days – without any crazy diets or intense workouts, Isabel’s video has my highest recommendation:
>>Click here to discover which 4 foods women should nevereat
P.S. There’s one big thing that Isabel includes that Dr. Oz missed… Each person’s body is different and needs to be put into one of three main categories.
But if you try to jump into eating a lot of nutrient rich foods without knowing your body type odds are you could overload on foods that will make weight harder or even impossible to peel off.
Here’s one example you might be surprised to hear: eating too much fruit for the protein body type can make you pack on the pounds, but for the carb body type you’ve got to be careful of this other major food group…
So to make sure you know the 4 foods not to eat and get a chance to discover what your body type is…
>>Click here
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