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Debunking the Myth of Detoxification

Written By Dhiya on Thursday, August 26, 2010 | 12:28 AM

detoxificationI just finished reading an article by Simeon Margolis, M.D., Ph.D. entitled, "Detoxification: A Worthless Scam", in which he identifies several various whole body cleansing products and services and lays them all out as scams...

"Like many others, I believe that the accumulation of toxins in the body is a myth since the human body effectively eliminates "toxins" and waste products through the liver, kidneys, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, skin and immune system. So, I don't believe detox is necessary--or that it works."

This is pretty much what I've been told by two other physicians, including my current physician, as well as a physician I used to work for back in my old healthcare claims processing days.

My current physician told me that he has referred hundreds of people for a colonoscopy and not once did any of them show any layers of old fecal material stuck to their insides. I suppose if anyone knows the truth about colons becoming bloated out over years of sticky festering poop, a gastroenterologist would know.

I would not advise anyone forking over money to get an enema unless you happen to enjoy them, and you know a rather good-looking hydrotherapist. But all that waste material they show you washing out from your body is the just fresh fecal material that would have already passed had you given it time.

But there are certain other mythical body cleansers that don't really cost you big bucks, don't really harm you, and is actually healthy for you...

  • Lemons are said to cleanse the toxins from your liver. I don't quite believe that's true, but how could it hurt you physically or financially to squeeze some lemon juice into a bottle of water and drink?

  • Leafy, dark green vegetables are also said to detoxify your liver. If it works, great. If you eat enough of it, you might even fill yourself up with low calorie, high nutritious food, instead of junk.

  • I've heard that soups and herbal teas will remove toxins from your body. But it seems like all this does make you urinate more, and keep your colon hydrated enough to work efficiently. Yet, there's nothing wrong with a bowl of chicken soup and a cup of green tea.

  • Walking is also supposed to detoxify the body. But think about this. How many times have you read that exercise is necessary to promote healthy bowel movements? Pooping is just a more common way of saying "detoxification".

  • Probiotic supplements are said to build up a layer of "good bacteria" in our intestines that actually fight off the bad bugs and prevent toxins from being absorbed into the bloodstream. I can actually believe that, and have read a lot of material on this. But I don't advocate buying up any of the probiotic pills and powders, you'll only spend way too much money than you need to. In fact, this bacteria is already in us. All you have to do is feed it, and it feeds on inulin, a nutrient found in a variety of vegetables and grains. Eat your salads and whole wheat on a daily basis, and you'll have all the probiotics you'll ever need.

And lastly the best way to detoxify is just not consume any toxins in the first place. Stay away from alcohol, don't smoke, and eat all-natural and organic foods. If you can do that, then you're already far less toxic than 90% of the population.


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