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How to Lose Weight by Constantly Eating

Written By Dhiya on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 | 7:36 AM

woman eating an appleProbably the number one most-often published diet tip is, "Don't starve yourself".

When your body has no more food to digest, it actually slows down its metabolism to a crawl, and tries to conserve energy. But as long as you have food to digest, it keeps the metabolism running at a high rate. And metabolism, of course, burns calories.

So what you want to do is to keep some food in your belly at all times.

To leverage this as a weight-loss strategy...
  • Eat foods that are low in calories. Look for foods low in fat, and have no sugar added. Look at the ingredients, and stay away from anything with sugar, brown sugar, molasses, cane juice, corn syrup. When your blood sugar level increases, the body stops burning fat, and starts burning the sugar. Read, "Carbs are OK, Just Not Sugar".

  • Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables. Even though these do contain sugar, they contain so many more vitamins and nutrients your body requires, and you're going to need them if you're dieting.

  • The very first thing you do in the morning, is eat something. When you wake up, and you're sure not going to back to sleep, put something in your belly right away, and get your metabolism back up to speed.

  • Eat something when your stomach feels hungry. I try to shoot for one small meal every three to four hours.

  • Plan your meals. To lose weight, my goal is to consume about 1,000 calories a day. To achieve that, I have to figure out what I'm going to eat throughout the entire day, and then spread those items out.

  • Keep a supply of healthy snacks with you in the refrigerator, pantry, or at your work station. This way when you feel hungry, you won't opt for something bad. Read, "Keep Healthy Snacks in the Fridge".


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