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Building Muscle Increases Metabolism

Written By Dhiya on Thursday, January 28, 2010 | 8:19 AM

One of the best ways to boost your metabolism is to build muscle mass.

Building up your muscles provides a "double whammy" towards burning calories, in that it burns calories directly through exercise, and that it forces your metabolism to replenish that extra muscle tissue.

When you have more muscle mass, your metabolism has to work harder to keep that extra muscle tissue energized.

Likewise, the less muscles you have, the lower your metabolism works.

So if you want to burn fat more quickly, do weightlifting/resistance training exercises. In fact, focus more of your exercise time on this than cardio.

But raising your metabolism should not be your final goal. Rather, it should simply be a tool towards burning fat. Once you've achieved your desired weight, you really should keep a low metabolism. This is what will ultimately help you live a longer, healthier life. Read more about this in my previous article, "A Low Metabolism Leads to a Longer Life".


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