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Nutrition and Pregnancy

Written By Dhiya on Tuesday, July 23, 2013 | 3:02 PM

By Fathi Med
In your belly, the baby depends entirely on you for food. After delivery, you feel completely exhausted because pregnancy you stripped of some essential nutrients your well being.


A baby who needs to form a large amount of iron to build its own reserves of this essential mineral. Because you do not have rules when you were pregnant, you keep all your iron and did not need a supplement. But if you have lost a lot of blood during delivery, you may be suffering from postpartum anemia, which deprive you of all energy.
An iron supplement of revitalizing. Consume plenty of vitamin C, as it facilitates the absorption of iron.


As you were pregnant and perhaps even before conception, you've probably taken folic acid supplements. The pregnancy has increased the need for vitamin B. Folic acid is the most important because women who do not take enough risk of having a baby with a wire spine. The growing baby in your belly is such a need for this vitamin it is not uncommon for her pregnant mother suffers from a deficiency of folic acid.

This deficiency is directly linked to heart defects and bowel cancer.
Natural sources of folic acid are: liver, kidney, eggs, legumes, green leafy vegetables, avocados, beets, orange juice and bananas.

You can also experience a deficiency of other B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3). These vitamins help to retrieve their food well done energy.
Because B vitamins dissolve in water, you can not accumulate reserves. You must consume regularly. The yeast extract is particularly rich.

You will also find in milk, liver, fish, bread, cereals, green vegetables, nuts and legumes.

You can also take multi vitamin supplements, 10 mg of vitamin B1, B2 and B6, and 50 mg of B3.


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