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5 Good Tips for Safe Physical Relationships

Written By Dhiya on Tuesday, July 9, 2013 | 6:18 PM

Safe Physical Relationships

The topic of protected physical relationships is among the most discussed ones as on date. In case you have been wondering as to what this hue and cry is all about, then it is the right time for you to start digging deep into this topic to gain an insight about sexual health and how to maintain a safe relationship with your partner.
When it comes to adopting safe sex practices, basically there are three parties involved, namely, your partner, you and a health services provider or counselor.
i. Talk to your partner freely
Never hesitate to ask the right questions to your partner. A good, gratifying relationship should involve the best interests of both the persons involved in it. Talking here doesn't essentially mean what you do as a part of foreplay. It refers to the clarifications you need to have regarding your partner's past relationships if any and the related details.
ii. Make the best use of a condom
Specifically designed to provide protection to people indulging in intercourse, condoms are reliable products to help you enjoy pleasure peacefully, without any fear of infections. But you need to know how to use a condom and place it in the correct position to avoid any lapse. Sometimes, incorrectly placed condoms are as good as nothing and lead to unwanted pregnancies or infections.
iii. Never take the health aspect lightly
You can never take any risk with either your partner's or your health by neglecting the safety aspect in an intercourse. Even if you are with a single partner, you should use a condom for safe sexual health. But, never overdo it. In other words, don't commit the mistake of using two or more condoms at once. It is not good for health.
iv. Avoid getting drunk before an intercourse
You might lose balance of mind and become too docile and inactive to decide the correct course of action, and the precautions needed for safe pleasure. This would harm sexual health.
v. Stick to your plan
Never make any overrides during an intercourse. That is to say, follow the plan of pleasure you had in mind before you set out for foreplay. Don't indulge in anything you did not plan; never take your partner for granted. Respect their emotions and opinions.
Overall, the concept of personal abstinence is gaining popularity as it brings down the chances of infection or diseases associated with unprotected sex-related habits. It is regarded as a ready-reckoning form of contraception.


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