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Small Changes, Huge Results

Written By Dhiya on Sunday, June 9, 2013 | 7:24 PM

Losing weight can be daunting for many people. Taking on a healthy diet and exercise are key to weight loss, but many people get overwhelmed when they try to make too many large changes at once. What if a few small changes could lead to big weight loss? Here are a few hints of small changes to make in your daily life to reduce those numbers on the scale.
- Make your coffee one "step" better. When I first began to eat healthy, I was drinking my coffee extra light, extra sweet. I transitioned down to light and sweet, then regular, then light with 1 sugar. Currently I use just skim milk and no sugar, but I know that has saved me tons of calories from my original sugar and cream laden fat bomb!
- Think of ways to reduce stress (or any emotion) besides eating. We spend so much time eating. We eat when we're happy, we eat when we're sad, we eat out with friends, we eat to cover pain. This has to stop in order for you to lose weight. Choose a replacement activity for your emotions. I run or use my Body Combat DVD when I'm angry. I call a friend if I need to vent. Do something to stop yourself from taking that bite!
- Try a new exercise. I was solely a walker when I started to lose weight. Doing the same thing over and over made me bored, and this caused me to skip workouts. Plus, I plateaued because my body got used to the exercise. So get out there and take a new class, jump rope, lift weights, anything you haven't tried. You never know when you'll find something you love. And you don't know until you try!
- Keep a food journal with you at all times. Log everything you eat. You'll be surprised by what you see. Take a look at it after a week... is there anything you can cut out? I'm sure there will be.
- Don't weigh yourself more than once a week. This causes stress, which could slow your weight loss. Choose a weigh in day to stick to every single week, and don't weigh yourself in between those days.
- Walk everywhere you can. Get a pedometer, track your steps one day, and aim to increase by 500 steps per day until you reach at least 10,000. Take the stairs all the time, walk your dog a little farther, walk to the farthest restroom at work. You'll be surprised how quickly you can increase your steps with small changes.
These are just a few small things you can do to aid you in weight loss. Remember though, it's a marathon not a sprint. It took me 3 years to lose 128 lbs, but I'm so glad I did.
I am a 128 lb loser and I want to help you lose weight too. I run an online challenge group to motivate people to lose weight. Email april6678@sbcglobal.net for more information


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