By Ethan Chong
Before I talk about the methods to reduce weight, there are some important things that you must have before trying to reduce your weight.
Firstly, you should draw out a plan on how you are going to lose or reduce weight. This may seem unnecessary but it is actually a crucial process to your success in losing weight. When you draw out a plan, think of what you are actually going to do. Like for example, you want to exercise. Don't simply list down what is going to help you lose weight! You should not write such general expressions because when you are following you weight loss plans, you need to have a specific goal. So instead of writing exercise, you should write crunches - 2 sets of 15. When you have a specific target, it will be easier for you to gauge where you are currently standing and where you are in the future.
Another important factor is that when you set goals, set realistic and accomplishable goals. Do not set unrealistic goal that even you, don't believe you can do it. The consequences are mostly falling behind of your weight loss plans or giving it all up. In the end, you don't lose any weight at all and still get stuck at where you are.
Secondly, you must have a commitment to the end. What you plan is what you want to achieve. But if you don't execute any of your plans, how are you going to achieve that? There are many proverbs to describe this, but in this article, I am going to tell you just one. This proverb is said by Napoleon Hills, "Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity, began where he stood to put his dream into action, and despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality. Practical dreamers do not quit." This is the most befitting proverb to describe perseverance. Hence, in order to achieve what you want, which is a slimmer you, you must follow what you plan daily.
Thirdly, setting your plans and committing to it is just the first few steps but in order to really achieve something, you must also track your progress in weight loss and constantly make changes to your weight loss programs and increase the number of sets for exercising for more effective weight loss.
After reading all these basic fundamentals to losing weight effectively, I hope that you would already have a clear understanding of what you need to have in order to lose weight. Having a clear mindset that will persevere till the end is a very important factor that determines whether you lose any weight at all. In fact, it is actually the MOST important factor of all.
Interested to know more? Well, stay tuned to my article writings because in the next few weeks, i am going to post more articles related to weight loss. Like for example, proven and effective physical exercises to lose weight, eating a balanced diet to reduce weight gain, etc.
Lastly, I would like to recommend a perfect and natural weight loss package for you. It is the Fat Loss Factor Package whereby you don't need to exercise or stop what you like to eat and yet still lose weight.
This is a proven way to naturally lose weight. If you wish to know more, go to
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