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5 Weird Fat-Loss Tips

Written By Dhiya on Friday, June 7, 2013 | 7:35 PM

You have heard the "usual" fat-loss tips before - eat a healthy breakfast, workout 2-3 times per week, skip carbohydrates.
These 5 tips you haven't heard will help you battle the bulge. Try them today.
#1) Skip breakfast
Researchers are now claiming that skipping breakfast - or entering into what is known as an "intermittent fast" - can actually accelerate fat loss.
This is because fasting can keep the body in a sympathetic nervous system - meaning your body uses fat as a fuel and you stay productive.
(Which means you avoid the foggy brain you often experience after your Wheaties, OJ and milk)
Try fasting for 12-14 hours daily, timed from dinner the night before. After 5-6 days, increase to 16 hours.
#2) Eat Carbohydrates At Dinner
WHAT? Carb's with dinner?
Yes, you read that right.
Eating carbohydrates with your last meal ensures the release of growth hormone during your sleep.
Try to keep the carbohydrate source gluten free. I suggest sweet potato, baked potato, pumpkin or rice.
This occurs because the carbohydrates cause your insulin to rise and then fall, which results in a deeper, more anabolic sleep.
This is best performed on days you lift weights. On rest days or cardio days, stick to a medium protein, medium fat meal with a large salad.
#3) Skip The Salt
You know it's bad for your heart, but now it's bad for your waist line.
Salt is insidious, and it ultimately causes us to eat more than we planned.
It can add up VERY fast: popcorn at the movies, fast-food, frozen dinners after a late night in the office.
The easiest way to break the salt addiction is to reduce it completely. After 3-5 days, cravings should disappear.
Remember that Celtic sea salt is a healthier version that table salt, so use that instead.
#4) Switch Off The T.V.
Eating in front of the television is subconscious - before you even realise it, you've finished the bag of chips or eaten the entire pizza.
Try to be present when eating - don't read, don't watch TV, just focus on eating. Ensure you chew each mouthful at least 20 times to help digestion.
Eat slow, enjoy the meal, and then turn the tube on.
#5) Skip The Juice
Juicing is all the rave right now. Juice shops, blenders, pre-made juice.
Everywhere you go, people are turning to fruit juice as a healthy substitute.
However what people fail to realize is they are simply drinking their calories. Before you know it, you can consume 50% of your RDI of calories with one or two juices.
By replacing fruit juice with real fruit, you will save calories.
A study in the Journal of Obesity found people reduced their kilojoule intake by 20 per cent after swapping blended juice for fresh fruit.
You also get the added benefits of more fibre and vitamins.
Add these 5 tips to your routine today for faster fat loss!


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