I mean when you think about it you need to cut down on the rubbish foods, eat nutritious foods and exercise regularly – right? Really not to difficult apart from one thing
We are all human and are unlikely to stick at something especially in today’s society. So what is going to kick us into touch and keep us focusing on the things we want to achieve? This is what I am going to be talking about in this article.
The journey is made up of 4 quests. This only works if you complete each quest and then move on to the next. So let’s get this started
Quest 1: Your Mind
Now I don’t want to get all deep with you but unless you have your mind in the right place there is no point even thinking how you are going to lose fat. Your mind is everything and the biggest POWERHOUSE that is going to keep you doing what you need to do.So the first thing is to know WHY you want to lose weight. It could be anything. It could be wanting to look good on the beaches OR even as personal as a wake up call from a doctor issuing a health/death warning to lose fat. But it MUST be personal to you.
For me it was public humiliation being told to get off a theme park ride because the safety bar would not fit. That actually happened and it never will again. It was enough to drive me into a fat loss journey and so far I have lost 5 inches off my waistline
Go ahead and write down the reason you want to lose fat. Spend some time and think about it emotionally and how it will feel to achieve your goal.
Hey – have fun with it
Ok, is it written down? Now the test.
If you were desperate to eat something bad (i.e chocolate) does this motivational reason for losing fat STOP you picking up the chocolate bar?
Quest 2: Your Goal and Plan
Now we have our mind right. What physically do you want to achieve? For me to fit on that ride! For you perhaps – lose X amount of pounds in Y days. Does not matter if you don’t reach your goal but it will focus your mind into taking action. This is what I did. I did not achieve my goal but I did manage to lose 4-5 inches off my waistline which I would not have achieved without a goalOnce you know you are going to lose x pounds in Y days or Z number of inches off your waistline in so many days then you need to understand how you are going to get there. To achieve your goal what do you need to lose in the first month, then second and then third.
Break it down like this and make sure this is ALL achievable and make sure you are confident that you can achieve each step to achieve your goal
Quest 3: Your Diet and Exercise Quest

There are thousands of diets you can choose from. However let me give you some advice which I learnt while losing 5 inches off my waistline.
For your diet I really suggest you pick a diet based on High Nutrition.
We are talking fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs. Leafy greens are fantastic and you will find you can only eat so much. When your body has enough nutrients it will say no more food. So you will never go hungry with this method. That’s why I love it.
I love the Paleo diet as it deals with “Whole Foods” and is easy to know what is good and what is not.
Now we come to exercise. For exercise you need to focus on what you like. At least 2-3 times a week BUT and here is the big BUT. To lose fat you need to make it intensive. So do short sprints rather than a long slow jog. Do 20 fast lengths of the pool rather than a marathon 80 lengths. Our bodies react in a completely different way when we do short intensive exercises. It burns fat like crazy.
Quest 4: Your Review
We are completing our journey. However we find now it’s not really a journey to lose fat – it’s a journey to live a better life and therefore a journey for liveHere we want to measure our success and see if we are on track or not. However I suggest you don’t use the scales to weigh yourself as this could be misleading. You may not be losing weight but you may be losing fat and gaining muscle (what we want) and staying the same weight.
The way to measure yourself is how your dress or trousers fit or how you look in a photograph. The camera never lies!
I hope you can see that you need to look beyond diets and exercise to really help you lose fat. However I know this 4 step plan will transform you to the body of your dreams and I hope it is one you will follow
Author Bio:-CLICK HERE For access to Jim Nariel's Top Fat Loss Experts on the Internet
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