Ever heard the excuse "I'm overweight because of my genetics"? Are several members of your family overweight and you just figured, you were stuck that way too? I bet that made you feel hopeless. I bet you even thought about giving up before you even started to try. Well, I have great news. Take that sigh of relief and relax :-) you don't have to be a victim to your so called "fat genes". Recent studies reveal that being overweight has NOTHING to do with genetics and EVERYTHING to do with your lifestyle. Make no mistake: Genetics may set the stage but your choices determine how your “script” actually reads. Make the right choices, and you can overcome any genetic predisposition and live right at your ideal weight for as long you want. BUT, if you make the wrong choices… well, you know how that ends.
Learn 1 Tip To Fix Your Fat Genetics <== Click Here 
It’s no marketing gimmick. It's solid scientific research. They call this field of study EPIGENETICS. So what the heck is it? Basically, epigenetics is the study of how factors OTHER THAN your DNA are actually affecting things like your belly fat. So in other words: Regardless of your “genes”, factors in your environment ultimately determine behavior—so even if you were born with a “fat gene”, it does NOT mean you are destined to grow up overweight! I mean, c'mon, look at all the contestants on the TV show The Biggest Loser. They definitely have the "fat gene". How did they lose the weight? By changing their environment and BOOM! Instant fat loss. Now I am going to let you in on a little secret: It just takes a few simple choices to literally transform your body into a fat burning machine—24 hours a day, 365 days a year! And my good friend Dr. Charles has developed a simple and proven system that quickly turns the fat genes off and boosts your metabolism so that you can finally get rid of that unwanted belly fat... Finally.
Learn 1 Tip To Fix Your Fat Genetics For Good <== Click HereOh its no joke or marketing gimmick: Food additives can literally add pounds to your waistline even though food companies claim that they contain “no nutritional value”. So how is this possible?
Well basically, your body can either use or absorb the nutrients you ingest or it cannot. For unnatural substances like food additives, your body cannot “recognize” or absorb the additives so they are classified as “toxins” that your body must eliminate. However, the process of purging toxins including food additives causes your body to produce by-products called “free radicals”. Don’t let the name fool you because free radicals have been linked to some very serious health problems, including:
- Increased Risk for Heart Attack, Stroke, and Coronary Artery Disease
- Increased Risk for Gastrointestinal Problems Including Constipation and IBS
- Slower Metabolism and Increased Weight Gain
- Poor Eyesight
Yes! Food additives lead to free radical production which can ultimately slow your digestive function and lead to increased weight gain—even if the additives have ZERO nutritional value! Unfortunately, food additives are in virtually EVERYTHING we eat or drink!
Fortunately, my good friend Dr. Charles has created a simple but highly effective system that transforms your body into a fat-burning machine so you don’t have to worry about those additives adding pounds to your waistline!
To learn more about how you can overcome the effects of food additives and finally shed those unwanted pounds and keep them off, just follow the link below…
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