If you too are already wandered on forums on nutrition and diets, you have probably read many testimonials before / after people who successfully lose weight. And what is interesting about these stories is that these people often share their tips to lose weight effectively.
It gave me an idea, so I decided to gather more evidence and summarize the main advice of those who managed to lose over 20 pounds. In this way, you can begin to apply some of these tips today!
Drink Water
One of the biggest commonalities of all people who have lost more than 20 pounds is all they have consumed a lot of water. They have abandoned sodas and sugary drinks. This simple trick helped hundreds of people lose weight.
Write down everything you eat daily
Write down everything that goes into your mouth. Most people were very surprised to see the amount of food they absorbed. They did not understand why they grew until they decide to hold a notepad, and write down everything they eat daily.
Count Calories
To ensure that your bank account is not in the red line at the end of the month, you must do your accounts regularly and to ensure that you spend less than what you earn .. To lose weight, it's the same! You need to manage your body in the same way and eat less than you burn. I know this is a boring and tedious than counting calories, but it is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to lose weight.
Check the Portions Size
Since today, nutrition education is shelved, we do not know at all how to determine the size of a portion. Eating portions the size of your fist is a good start to control your consumption. The habit of weighing your food with a kitchen scale digital is a great way to train yourself to assess the amount of your portions spontaneously. Also, forget the bad habit of always wanting to finish the food on your plate there. For each meal, always leave a remnant in your plate, it will teach you self-control.
Do not Make No Plans Draconians
The best diet is the one that best suits your lifestyle. Once you find that this is not a diet - it's just a way of life. If I managed to lose weight permanently with Sati diet , is because it allowed me to not radically change my lifestyle, but simply to readjust my habits, and to integrate them to my life everyday. Once you are out of the head there is a deadline, then you can start to focus on the realities of living a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis. Being fit is not a destination - it's a lifestyle.
Be Consistent
Nobody is perfect. We will all make mistakes. However, successful people always have a healthy lifestyle. They eat healthily 90% of the time, and they practice several times a week. Exercise and healthy eating should be part of your daily routine, and soon it will become second nature such as brushing your teeth after every meal.
A healthy lifestyle takes planning. Most errors occurred because of a lack of planning. Plan your meals in advance so you know what you need to buy every week at the supermarket. Buy only what you plan to eat and try to cook your meals in advance. In this way, you can avoid buying sweets on a whim and you are sure to stay on track.
surround yourself with Positive people
We are very influenced by people close to us. Many successful people have had to move forward with their lives and leave old friends and their old way of life behind them. It was a difficult decision to make, but they understood how important it was to surround himself with people who believe in their dreams.
Start NOW!
How will you achieve your goals if you never start trying to achieve? The beginning is half the challenge. Do not be afraid of failure. People who have lost more than 20 pounds have stopped waiting for things to happen, they decided to make things happen for themselves.
Stop Finding Excuses
Successful people have turned the corner and realized that the reasons why they had failed to achieve their weight loss were simply (false) excuses. It was a difficult idea to accept, but once they were honest with themselves, they spent less time making excuses, and more time to find ways to achieve their goals.
I had fun writing this article. You can read so many tips for weight loss on my blog. And the many testimonials I have received emails from people who successfully lose weight also greatly inspired me. Again, thank you to everyone who encourages me and write to me regularly.
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