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Ways To Lose Belly Fat

Written By Dhiya on Wednesday, December 19, 2012 | 9:15 AM

If there was a statistic the most desired place to lose fat, the area bdominal, would probably be the absolute winner. The belly fat is incredibly common and it is not unlikely to see that even slim people have a tummy that would like to get rid of.
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Lose belly fat by our tips
Unfortunately, the desire to lose belly fat only. Having a small abdomen and the leg fat is not natural, so even if you want to make this tradeoff, the structure of the human body will not allow it. If you have excess body fat, the most likely place you will start to store it is in your belly, so even if you do not have fat in other areas, the fat reserves will stay in your stomach. Unless you have no body fat throughout the body.
The belly fat is one of the easiest to win - a big dinner before going to bed is enough to gain  fat. If after a big dinner you spend a few days in your normal diet and do not eat large amounts of food, the negative effects of large dinner will not be for long. But if you continue to violate their eating habits, in turn, will continue to accumulate fat. So, To lose belly fat  is easier than getting rid of the fat that has accumulated over decades. Moreover, the belly is the place, is the first place where the stress is related to accumulation of fat.
The structure of your body determines how much of how you can lose belly fat. Generally women have much fat on your belly and thighs, so when you start to lose fat, in both places. The structure, which is more typical of men is thin legs and a big belly beer. It is true that these bellies originate from drinking so much beer, although its consumption certainly contributes to its size. If your body structure is so, then you may not be able to achieve a washboard tummy in, no matter how hard you try. Well, this does not mean that you should stay as is, because besides their aesthetic shortcomings, this structure is unfavorable from the point of view of health - is considered a risk factor for heart disease.
Another tip for dieting, it is especially important to lose belly fat is to eat smaller portions, but frequently. Fracione well Diet - The digestive system can not process a large volume of food ingested at once. The ideal is to eat little bulky and of low calorific value up to 6 times a day. Avoid gas-forming foods - soda s, beans, fried bread, cheese and canned foods, red meat, sausages and sausage, ham, salami and sausage. Increase your intake of foods diuretics - fennel, celery, cilantro , eggplant and endive, garlic , lemon , nutmeg, onion , parsley, mint, pineapple , watermelon, passion fruit and tea: in particular, parsley tea: add a few sprigs parsley to hot water, sweetener or not sweeteners. And herbal teas (ginger / cinnamon / cardamom: make a MIX of the ingredients and add boiled water) or fruits
. Likewise the water, but with the difference that there is nothing positive about it, eating a lot at once makes you look fatter because when food is still in your abdomen, your belly looks like a lump. Also, when you eat small portions, it is more likely that your body will not create new fat reserves, the longer the interval between meals more chance to accumulate fat reserves for use during this time as a form of energy.

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