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How to lose weight? (3 principals tips)

Written By Dhiya on Sunday, December 30, 2012 | 12:08 PM

How to lose weight? the big question.

many  of people wonder how to lose weight quickly for an event such as a party, a wedding or a reunion. If you find yourself wishing  that you were 20 pounds slimmer but don't have A lot of time in which to pull it off, read this article without skipping a single word because I shall review 3 ways in which you can learn how to lose weight (20 pounds in 14 days). So how to lose weight?.

This 3 great tips will help you a lot to discover how to lose weight!

1)The foods to Eat
 You desire to go for foods which are rich in the amino acid tyrosine. This is because tyrosine combined with Iodine (more Iodine later) originate thyroxin. This is an necessary hormone generated by the thyroid gland.
The foods below includes tyrosine and having plenty of these in your diet for hypothyroidism will have you feeling much better as well as releasing those unwanted pounds.
Chicken breast  
Low fat milk  
Pumpkin & Sesame seeds  

2) Drink Green Tea daily
 you may definitely have already know about the great health great advantages of green tea, notably with regards how to lose weight. It is no wonder that most of the weight loss supplements available out there includes green tea. Green tea helps you dispose of fat by accelerating your metabolic rate. You can drink green tea on its own but I prefer to mix with a bit  of lemon juice and honey tastes great! I would propose you drink at least one cup of green tea daily - it would do you a so much good than those energy boosters!

3) Drink a lot of Water
 One of the best weight loss secrets is to let fall the sodas and drink a lot of water! Experts say you must drink about eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated and healthy. Instead of turning to calorie-laden or sugar-rich drinks, grab a refreshing glass of water. In addition to flushing toxins out of your system, drinking water helps you to build muscle.

If you use these three weight loss tips in your life, you will quickly learn how to lose weight, build muscle, and get healthier in 2 weeks. Share them with your family and friends and make a commitment to getting healthier and learning how to lose weight together. It will change your life forever.


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