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Are You Overweight or Too Skinny?

Written By Dhiya on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 | 1:02 PM

Do you want to lose weight ?feel overweight or too skinny? Don’t get misguided !

There are many people who feel themselves slim, just because she generally associates with peers that have more body fat. There are also people who always felt she was fat, because the environment is filled with people who are lean to the maximum.

Interesting that in some parts of the world to be fat or to be thin can be a very subjective matters. Did you know that in some places in Asia there is a culture that admires overweight woman and man ? Women and men who has massive body regarded as successful people with prosperity. People who grew up in such environment will never feel themselves overweight or in need of dieting.

Meanwhile, one international assistant fashion designer (with good –slim- body) said that she always felt overweight. This happens because she hanging out and working with all international models who looks relatively thin. She even sometimes literally look in one mirror of comparison to a person with anorexia problem. Can you imagine how does she felt in the slim reflection all around of her ? She finally has to admit that she often get intimidated by any fat deposits in her body and start to measure it micro inches by micro inches.
Fat or thin in some places can be a very subjective matter. How about you?
Actually there is a simple yet precise way to calculate someone’s ideal weight. It can be calculated as follow :

Your Ideal Body Weight = (Your Body Height - 100) - (10% x (Your Body Height - 100))

If you are around the ideal, CONGRATULATIONS! You are normal.

No matter how skinny models friends around you, you are normal. The measurement of body weight can be tolerated to a maximum of 4kilogram (above or below) the normal weight.
If you are 4 kilogram lighter, you will feel comfortable wearing any clothes of your choice. My suggestion is : start to feel perfect : right now !
You are truly in perfect shape by the time you reach this minimum weight. Without you realize it, the truth is that you look really suit and your weight is in approximate equal to a television advertisements actress. Yes, you may does not looks like a fashion model on the catwalk, but you are just fit.
Do not go down more than that, because the negative effects will arise. The bones of the body, both seen and unseen by the public will stand out. In general, the face will look older because you lose the effect of a healthy child smile bloating and supple.

If you are 4 kilogram over your ideal weight, be careful. That's the highest number you should achieved (of course beyond specific medical conditions such as pregnancy and so on). No matter how fat fellow in your hobby club, do not be fooled by the comparison that you see in the mirror with them. Beyond four kilogram above your ideal body weight, you should immediately take diet plansand consume healthy foods.

If you are a maximum of 4 kilos heavier than the ideal weight, all the clothes would look right with you, plus a bit of sexy impression because of course your bust and buttocks will be prominent. For men, your belly will look just right, not too big. Your waist will look not too small, so you will appear as a prosperous and successful man.

So that is how to calculate your ideal weight. Everything is measured; including your ideal weight. Measure accurately so you will not be subjective anymore.


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