If you've following this blog and have read my "About Me" page, you'll know that I'm a big believer in addressing the root causes of my weight gain, instead of just dieting and exercise.
I've successfully addressed my root cause of overeating, and feel like I can now control my eating habits. But I still have trouble taking control of my exercise regimen. That is, I still have trouble getting myself motivated.
I've established "rules" for myself where I have to exercise, but there's no one other than myself to enforce those rules. How do you get motivated to enforce rules upon yourself?
There have been times, however, where I actually felt motivated to exercise. That is, I actually wanted to exercise. I assumed that if I continued to exercise, and lose weight, build muscle, I would feel more energetic, and feel ever more motivated to continue.
But it didn't happen that way. There are days when I feel like exercising, and days when I don't. It seems the days that I don't are increasing.
When I do exercise it's largely running through the neighborhood. I do have some hand weights and leg weights I used, and I do some sit-ups, crunches, and push-ups. But should I get a membership to a gym? Will that actually get me excited to exercise?
What do you do to get yourself motivated?
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