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Use the USDA Nutrient Database

Written By Dhiya on Saturday, January 2, 2010 | 9:02 AM

USDA Nutrient DatabaseThe USDA Nutrient Database is a great tool for managing your calorie intake. It will tell you the nutritional content of just about any food out there.

For example, you can look up "tomato", and it will show you several food items containing that word, including "tomato soup", or "tomato juice".

Or, you can look up "tomatoes", and find fresh tomatoes.

When I'm trying to trim off a few pounds, I'll use this database to figure out the calorie content for a variety of food items, then I'll determine what I can eat for that day. Eventually, I'll get to memorize the nutritional content of certain foods I eat all the time.

One afternoon, I looked up every fruit to find out which has the lowest calories, but the highest fiber. Seems like the strawberries and blackberries came out the winner. That's how I know today to buy lots of strawberries and blackberries and keep them in my refrigerator for snacking.

Find the USDA Nutrient Database here...


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